DXA, also known as DEXA, scans paint an accurate picture of the true makeup of your body


Our convenient mobile van comes to your Gym, Office or Local event. In 10 short minutes all while wearing gym clothes your scan is completed. Your detailed report is created and our enthusiastic consultant will explain exactly what it all means. You will leave better understanding your body make up and your fitness path.


DXA, also known as DEXA, scans paint an accurate picture of the true makeup of your body

Each scan uses state of the art dual energy x-ray absorptiometry technology to give you a comprehensive breakdown of your body’s bone, lean muscle, and fatty tissue mass. With this eight to ten minute low dose x-ray scan, you will have the most accurate tracking system to measure and re-measure your body’s progress on your weight loss and fitness journey.

Why DXA ?

DXA body composition scans stand out from other body fat tests for a number of reasons: safe, convenient, less invasive, accurate, provides usable information, affordable and the ability to monitor total or regional lean muscle mass, fat and bone in your body are all reasons to choose DXA. Gone are the days of intrusive skinfold caliper testing, submerging yourself in water for hydrostatic weighing or settling for less accurate bioelectrical impedance testing. Choose DXA and save time and money without the hassle.

  • Convenient

    With our mobile setting, we come to you and each scan is completed in 8-10 minutes followed by your Wellness Consultation

  • Non invasive

    While other body fat analysis methods require stripping down to a bathing suit or holding your breath underwater, a DXA scan can be done lying down in the comfort of your clothing.

  • Accurate

    DXA body composition scans are the most accurate of all body compositions tests available today.

  • Safe

    The radiation you will be exposed to is similar to spending a day in the sun or eating four bananas.




Track your real results and see real change. While many people get caught up on their weight on a scale, a DXA scan will give you the ability see your true gains and losses of lean muscle and body fat not just a number on a scale. We have the unique ability to compare your scans over time using state of the art medical grade DEXA technology.


Our $55 DEXA scans are inexpensive. Your scan is followed with a wellness consultation so you will be on your way to SUCCESS ! 


Hydrostatic weighing (also known as underwater weighing) involves submerging yourself in a pool and being weighed on a special scale. Once in the pool, you exhale all your air, completely submerge yourself in the water, and let the scale record your weight. Your underwater weight is compared with what you weigh on land, and these numbers, together with the value of the density of the water in the pool, are put through a series of calculations. This test is less convenient than other methods and just like calipers, these calculations only produce your body fat percentage.


Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA)

DXA is a medical test that involves lying on a table while a machine sends small amounts X-rays through your body and measures the difference in the amount of energy initially sent through the body and the amount detected after it exits the body. Although DXA was originally designed to measure bone density, Developed for professional athletes it is now considered the “Gold Standard” for measuring body composition.  It can produce results such as body fat percentage and soft lean mass as well. Unlike calipers and underwater weighing, DXA scans are able to measure the body segmentally, scanning each arm and the trunk separately in order to accurately measure body fat percentage, soft lean mass, and other body composition elements. DXA is highly accurate from scan to scan so tracking your success is easy!

Bioelectrical Impedance

Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) is a simple method of measuring muscle and body fat using electrical current. By sending an electrical current through a persons body the resistance can be measured and then mathematical algorithms are used to calculate the amount of muscle vs. body fat. Bioelectric Impedance Analysis is the system that your bathroom scale uses to calculate your body fat percentage. This method of measurement depends on the conditions being ideal to generate the best results.

OUR GOAL is to share in YOUR SUCCESS. Seeing our clients succeed and helping them achieve their diet and exercise goals is a rewarding experience for everyone.

The fact that you are taking the right steps to improve your health and feel better about yourself. We know that you can do it !

Our DXA Body Composition scan and wellness Consultations result in clear measurements of your current health which helps you feel better knowing that you are on the right track. Don’t risk losing the opportunity to make a positive change in your life today. When you have quantifiable measures of your success you will maintain your program and feel better.